New Users should sign up to access the system.
Provide: Username, email and password to be successfully registered.
Just provide your Username and password login to access your account
View All books in the system.
Add it to the system and provide for the others. Make sure it is not a duplicate.
You can update book details and delete if erroneously added.
If a book exists or you have added it, leave a review with a rating for the others.
Click a book to see the reviews provide by other readers. Leave yours as well.
You can edit and delete your review only.
This project was inspired by many book readers and scarce reviews and provide a platform for readers to share their experience with other readers.
Also this project was inspired by the African Leadership X in conjuction with the Holberton School and it is part of the portfolio project in the full stack software engineering course.
Follow this link to view the projects source code. Bibliophiles source code