Top reviews for thrust readers!

The world comprises a huge chunk of readers and one must have a dedicated online book reviews platform to enable readers select the best books based on reviews and provide book reviews too!

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About The Project and Inspiration

This project was inspired by many book readers and scarce reviews and provide a platform for readers to share their experience with other readers.

Also this project was inspired by the African Leadership X in conjuction with the Holberton School and it is part of the portfolio project in the full stack software engineering course.

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Project Source Code (Github)

Follow this link to view the projects source code. Bibliophiles source code

The Team Members


Kennedy Wambua

Software Engineer

A full stack software engineer with proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and Python GitHub LinkedIn Twitter

Meaza Lemma

Software Engineer

A full stack software engineer with proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and Python GitHub LinkedIn Twitter


Meshack Mutune

Software Engineer

A full stack software engineer with proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and Python GitHub LinkedIn Twitter